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Oily Skin: 6 Treatments, Causes, and Prevention

Oily skin can wreak havoc on the overall health and appearance of your face. Having an oily skin type can make your face look greasy and shiny, causing both insecurity and discomfort.

You also may notice that you have enlarged pores that are often clogged, and you most likely also have to deal with pimples, blackheads and acne.

Oily skin also comes in different variations. You could be genetically predisposed to oily skin or you may have been affected by hormonal changes. Even stress levels can affect your skin.  Fortunately, there are many products and treatments to help you if you are dealing with oily skin.

Washing your face regularly is a great idea. But you should use a gentle soap with warm water, and take your time so that you properly clean off all the excess oil. You never want to use loofahs or any type of rough washcloth, because the additional friction might actually stimulate your skin into making more oil. Avoid any type of soaps or face washes that have added moisturizers or chemicals. If you have skin that is acne-prone, then you may want to consider a cleanser that has salicylic acid, glycolic acid, beta hydroxy acid, or try a wash that has benzoyl peroxide. You will need to test out each of these different products to see which one is not going to irritate your skin.

Oily vs Dry skin
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Using a toner is also recommended. Most astringent toners contain alcohol that will dry out the skin, therefore you may want to try using a natural astringent like witch hazel that actually does have skin-soothing properties. However, you also need to take into consideration that some of these toners might actually do damage and create larger pores or even plug up your pores which could lead to additional blackheads or pimples.

It is a good idea to test out a small area on your skin to see what type of reaction you end up with. No matter what, when you are done cleaning your face – always make sure that you pat your face dry instead of pulling down on the skin.  Another product to take into consideration would be blotting papers or medicated pads. There are certain brands that are specific for oily skin. These are great to use if you are on the go or you do not have time to wash your face. Carry them in your purse to use on-the-go when need be.

A facial mask is another great way to control oily skin. There are a few different types of facial masks that are recommended. A clay facial mask is a great way to treat oily skin, because the clay contains different minerals that can reduce shininess whilst balancing oil production, helping to prevent your skin from drying out and thus overproducing oil all over again. A honey mask is another great way to reduce acne, but is also great at maintaining oily skin. A natural raw honey mask has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. An oatmeal mask is another great way to cleanse your face, and contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help soothe irritated skin.

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Preventing oily skin can be tricky, but if you take the time to manage and maintain your skin care regimen you should be able to find a skin care routine that works for you. You also need to think about what kind of food you eat. Believe it or not, greasy food is not only really bad for your health, but your skin too!

Stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet, and ensure that you only use water-based makeup. Water-based makeup is effective for sufferers of oily skin because heavier products may accumulate with facial oils, clogging up pores and exacerbating excess oil production. For severe cases of oily skin and acne, keep in mind that it is probably best not to wear any type of makeup on your skin.  There are different products that can be used as a foundation or a cover-up that are lightweight and powder-based. You will need to experiment to find the best product that will let your skin breathe, but won’t clog your pores or worsen acne and blackheads. You are trying to find products that will relax your skin and cause the least irritation.

Having oily skin definitely isn’t ideal, but with a proper skincare routine and the right products, it can be managed and evenly balanced.

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