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7 Activities for the Outdoor Adventurer in You

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Can’t get enough of the outdoors and love trying new things? That’s what being an outdoor adventurer is all about. Whether you’ve already done things like bungee jumping and skydiving or you’re just learning about adventures so that you can decide where to start, there is an outdoor adventure for everyone, even those who have never even gone for a hike.

Here are 7 activities for the outdoor adventurer in you:

Mud Runs and Obstacle Courses

These outdoor obstacle courses became popular just a few years ago, and people love them. They take a healthy approach to have fun outdoors by having people partake in running obstacle courses that are often riddled with mud. Everything from a regular obstacle course to a zombie mud is run out there now, so you can pick which event suits your personality. Some places even offer adult refreshments and a day of fun that goes well into the night. The best part about all this? You get to be outside with a bunch of people who love to have fun.

If you aren’t the type of person who likes getting muddy, other outdoor obstacles are also offered so that you don’t have to stay covered in mud all day. Even if you don’t participate in the obstacle courses, you can still have fun sitting back and laughing at your friends and family.

Four Wheeling

Four-wheeling is another great American pastime that families absolutely love. ATV’s offer outdoor recreation while experiencing the adrenaline rush of driving off-road. While many families go four-wheeling together, you should always make sure it’s safe for your children before allowing them to ride. Many families across the nation own ATV’s and take pride in them like you might with your car, including taking proper care of them. Parents love to fix up their ATV’s to make them better or fix certain issues with them. All they have to do is find ATV parts for sale, and they can teach their children a little bit about the mechanics of a vehicle.

Canoeing and Kayaking

Image by thatsphotography from Pixabay

If you love adventure but prefer water to land, canoeing or kayaking is a great outdoor activity. What makes them different is that kayaks are low to the water and the paddler sits facing forward (unlike that of a canoe) and then paddles in a rotation. The paddles themselves are also very different. Whether you prefer canoeing or kayaking, both are great exercises or can be a great leisurely activity depending on what you want to do with it. These are great activities for families because you can find a strip of water that is shallow and safe if accidents happen on your trip.

Mountain climbing

This adventurous outdoor activity can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. You don’t have to choose the tallest mountain to be able to enjoy mountain climbing. Many mountains in the US are easy to climb with a guide over the course of a couple of days and are absolutely worth the effort once you get to your destination. If you’ve never been mountain climbing before, make sure to do your research and pick something that is simple. If you pick a mountain that is always covered in snow, you’ll need to use axes and other tools to get up it, so always be aware of what each particular mountain entails.


Also known as parakiting and parascending, parasailing is a fun activity that turns you into a kite. You are towed behind a boat while attached to the parasail wing, which looks like a parachute. Once the boat drives off, the person attached to the kite will be carried into the air, and once you’re up there, you are at the mercy of the boat and the wind, with no control over the parachute. In many cases, more than one person can parasail at a time if the boat is powerful enough.

Parasailing can also be done using any other vehicle, like a truck, as long as you’re doing is safely. It is most commonly done in water with a boat because if something dangerous happens, the parasailer will have a softer water landing than someone on land.


You may be wondering why something as simple as camping is on this list for outdoor adventurers. While it may not induce a great adrenaline rush, camping is an outdoor adventure. Depending on where you go camping, you can still do some of the activities listed here. Still, you can also make your own fun and go for hikes, discover trails not taken, and spend quality time with your friends and family while relaxing in a quiet environment. Camping can be the best outdoor adventure for people who don’t normally spend lots of time outside, whether they’re from the city or always working.

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