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Benefits of Working Abroad That May Change Your Perspective

In this modern time when international travel is as frequent as bus journeys used to be,  working abroad is much less of a deal. Moving between countries, and even between continents, became quite commonplace. Another factor that increases the frequency of working abroad is the relatively unstable global economy, and the focus on a career that consists of many smaller jobs instead of one job people would work until retirement. Traveling to another country and working there is definitely way more risky than it was before,  and the benefits of international working experience are various.  However, before embarking on an international work experience, potential expatriates must navigate the LMIA application process (Processus de demande d’EIMT), which is an essential requirement in some countries to ensure that the hiring of foreign workers does not negatively impact the local labor market. Who knows, maybe that’s that little factor that may help your career flourish. In this article, we will pay attention to all the merits that will come from working abroad.

Resume Upgrade

Resume Upgrade

The most obvious advantage of working abroad is that it will improve your CV immeasurably. Even if you eventually move back home,  as most people plan to,  your time spent in a foreign country will greatly improve your CV.  Not only your CV but your social and interpersonal skills will improve too. Working in a  foreign environment will amp up your ability to adapt,  communication skills, and flexibility. You will be in the situation to work with a diverse set of people with different viewpoints and values than yours. Working with them will improve your teamwork skill,  and taking all their different viewpoints into consideration will increase your objectivity, fairness, and reasoning. Those are personal traits that will not only look good on a CV but also will help you grow into a successful leader.  Another thing,  if you are in a location where English is not the native language, you should do your best to learn the local language. The ability to speak another language is a very valuable asset that will help further improve your career.  Obtaining all those skills will benefit your CV, but also, thanks to them, you will be able to find another job much easier.

Cultural Awareness

Working in a foreign country is a great opportunity to experience other people’s cultures,  which is not only beneficial from a personal standpoint but the professional one too.  As you already know,  different people do business in different ways, and experiencing those differences first-hand will help you better understand certain business practices and etiquette in foreign countries.  As the saying goes,  different strokes for different folks,  therefore you have to understand how to oblige to your client’s needs in a way that respects their cultural differences.  However,  you can use those experiences with foreign cultures in order to create innovative ways to Improve your business.


Professional connections are one of the most valuable assets an individual can have.  It’s massively beneficial to have people everywhere for several reasons. For example,  if you are applying for a position, they can say a good word or two about you to their superiors,  or they can tell you about opportunities and vacancies within their company. It is even better if your connections are International because your business options are not limited the one country only. Working abroad can make wonders for your career,  especially if you work at an international branch of the company you would like to work for in your home country. Thus you will attain precious experience,  but also, you will have all the connections that you can use to get ahead of your competition.

Standing Out

Every employer prefers a candidate who stands apart from the competition, which is something you will certainly gain by working in a foreign country.  Employers will be curious to find out more about you and the experiences you gained during your international work. Furthermore,  employers usually look for people who can easily adapt to unusual working conditions, and working abroad history is proof that you possess that quality. Most importantly,  working abroad will give you working experience,  which will give you an additional edge compared to your competition,  and that is something your employer will value greatly.

Easier Than Ever

Moving abroad to work is a really big and risky decision,  but it is much easier to do thanks to the development of international traffic and communication. There’s a multitude of websites where you can look for international job offers and find some that will fit your needs.   Every eventual problem with moving to another country can be solved with the help of immigration solicitors, which offer consulting and advice concerning immigration laws. Thanks to the Internet, you can also easily find a place to stay and useful information about your new hometown. You can also book flights online, reserve places to stay, and uphold communication with your future employers. Technology successfully erased the geographical distance, so you can effortlessly prepare for your life abroad.

Personal Growth

Working in a foreign country can immensely improve your own self-image and make you grow as a person due to several reasons. First,  when you move to another country, no one knows who or what you were like before you moved,  so you can completely reinvent yourself. You can establish different habits,  change your social attitude,  change the style of your attire,  and basically do whatever you want with your life without anyone questioning your changes or comparing you to your old self because no one knows your old self. Also,  changing the country is a great way to take yourself out of your comfort zone.  Breaking the routine will put you in a state of Higher mental awareness,  which will make you more productive, creative, and ready to deal with sudden changes.  Moving on your own will make you rely on yourself only,  and it can be very stressful at first,  especially if you are an introvert.  But once you realize you can manage things by yourself,  you will start to appreciate your strength and independence.


Despite being easier than ever,  working abroad is still a big and risky decision to make.  However,  there are numerous benefits coming from working in a foreign country.  Not only it will look great in your working resume, But working abroad will improve a lot of your business and personal skills. Once you made up your mind, you shouldn’t hesitate to go abroad, and you will get rewarded with valuable experience and knowledge, which will put you in a much better position in the marketplace.

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