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Shopping Tip: How to Choose Your Signature Scent in Five Easy Steps

Have you been thinking about changing your signature scent? This is the scent that people will recognise when they come near to you and it needs to be one that makes your personality stand out. Of course, choosing your signature scent is a process and it needs to be considered very carefully.

Here, we are going to talk you through some of the five easy steps to choosing your signature scent. Keep reading to find out what these are.

The Purpose

While your signature scent is what you will wear on a regular basis, there are some different kinds of scents that you can choose from – depending on the purpose. Will you be wearing the scent on a night out or will this be a scent that you wear to your office every day? You cannot choose your scent without first understanding where you are going to wear it and when you are going to wear it. Think this through carefully and you’ll be ready to move on.

Choosing The Notes

The scent of your new fragrance is all about the notes in it. You can find a list of these on the box but often it is a good idea to test it out for yourself. Are you a floral person? Or will you go for something that is fruity? If you take a look at the women’s fragrance by Maple Prime, you’ll come across lots of different notes and you should be able to find the right one for you. Try to match it to your personality and this will help.

Testing Them Out

testing Scent
Image credits: Photo by from Pexels

If you really want to find your signature scent, then you need to be willing to test them out. Of course, you should remember that testing out multiple scents can taint your impression of them as they might blend into once scent and pick up the notes of others. We suggest that you don’t test out any more than three at a time if you want to get an accurate impression.

The Notes

While many people simply test out a perfume and make a decision on the first spray, you should try to let the smell linger for a while. This is because the heart notes don’t start to appear on your skin until around 20 minutes after you have sprayed it. This is why you should consider spraying the fragrance and walking away to see how it reacts to your skin.

Consider The Extras

If you really want to make this your signature scent, then you should consider finding out if there are some extra products that you can buy. Is there a matching body lotion or spray? Try to incorporate this scent into your daily life as much as possible and this will help people to start to identify it with your presence.

Final Thoughts

If you want to choose a signature scent, then you should make sure to follow the steps that we have detailed in this article. Soon, you’ll have your scent and you will love it!

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