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Passing Time in Quarantine

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

4 Ways to Spruce Up Your Home and Pass the Time in Quarantine

Almost everyone in the world right now is spending a lot more time inside their homes due to the currently ongoing Quarantine. While the chance to relax at home may have been a welcome situation at first, the more time spent at home and limiting your time outdoors could eventually lead to people going ‘stir crazy.’ The best way to prevent this is to keep your mind busy and find something to do to past the time.

The bonus of spending so much time at home is that it puts us into a position to tackle some home projects that we wouldn’t have time for otherwise. Examining your home and finding some tasks you could do to make your living situation even better, is an excellent way to keep your mind focused and to be productive with your time. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, so let’s look at four ways to spruce up your home and pass the time in Quarantine.

1. Rearrange your furniture 

When moving to a new home, you spend a lot of time thinking about where everything should go. Once you have lived there for a more extended period, though, you may start to have new ideas and question whether the decisions you made when moving were the best choice. This Quarantine is the perfect opportunity to explore different layouts for your furniture. Rather than rushing it over a weekend, you can spend your time planning how to make your home flow better.

2. Get planting in your garden 

Rose garden
Photo by Justin DoCanto on Unsplash

In this trying time, if you are lucky enough to have a garden, then you should be making the most of it. If the weather is nice, then there is no better way to spend the day than planting and growing roses in your garden. The best part is, you can do the work now to pass the time and enjoy the reward for the rest of the year.

3. Paint the sideboards 

Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

Painting the sideboards is usually a time sink, you have to move all the furniture and tape the walls before you can even begin. Trying them all in one weekend is very unlikely, and you would be left with a messy home all week. Now, however, you have all the time in the world to get your sideboards in pristine shape.

4. Refurbish old furniture 

Photo by Cassandra Ortiz on Unsplash

Refurbishing old furniture is a project many people talk about and even plan for but then follow through. The act of refurbishing is a rewarding one because if you put the time and effort in, and do it correctly by following a guide, you will have recreated the original beauty of a piece of furniture.

Those are but four things that you could be doing in your home to spruce your living space during this ongoing Quarantine. Who knows, the act of putting your focus into caring for your home may reignite some love for your abode. There is a lot of affordable home décor and homeware options that can also spruce up your home even after the Quarantine ends.

Featured Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

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