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These are the Countries You Must Visit This Year

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Which country tickles your fancy to visit this 2020? Not really sure? Then hopefully, this list will give you a couple of great ideas of great places to visit. 

There’s plenty to do this year. It seems like 2020 is bubbling with adventures beyond the shores of your home. But before you dive into the list, you need to have these pointers in your pocket to make sure that when you travel to any of the destinations below, you’ll enjoy life to the fullest.

First, each country is unique, and you’re bound to meet a couple of surprises – good ones, I promise. That’s the beauty of traveling. You get to learn about how people live their lives, and you start to appreciate the diversity that exists in the world. 

Second, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Traveling to another country consists of a series of discoveries. No matter how much background information you get about a place, experiencing it firsthand will require that you do some things a lot differently from what you’re used to. So, let your hair down and be ready to try something new.

Ready to discover the countries you must visit this year? Here’s the list. 

1. Nikko, Japan

Kikko, Japan
Image by Arvid Olson from Pixabay

Japan is an amazing country, and it’s quite a popular place among tourists. And this year, Japan will get a lot more attention because it will host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. And you know what that means – with big events come…you guessed it, huge crowd. 

But if crowds are not your thing and you’re looking for a travel destination where you don’t have to deal with the crowd, then maybe you’d like the peace and quiet of the nearby town Nikko

No matter which time of the year you decide to drop by, Nikko will show you the best of nature. Nikko is home to an incredibly rich forest with mountains and hot springs. The Kegon Falls is a highlight of Nikko. This waterfall is 97 meters high. Just looking at the magnificent waterfall gives you this feeling of awe of its splendor. 

2. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Image by Olga Ozik from Pixabay

2020 is a great time to visit Dubai. That’s where the first World Expo will be held sometime in October. Dubai will host 192 countries for the event, and it promises to be spectacular. 

The World Expo will display the most futuristic developments in the area of sustainability and transportation. 

Aside from having an opportunity to experience one of the most exciting events of the year, you can also visit Dubai to be enchanted by the luxury hotels, malls, and the amazing sight of the Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world.

3. Paris, France

Image by falconp4 from Pixabay

If Paris is on your travel bucket list for 2020, then you’ve made the right choice. Paris is one of the most enchanting cities in France. It has a reputation for being one of the most romantic cities in the world. The beautiful scenery of the famous Eiffel Tower is one that no one would dream of missing. 

Aside from being a romantic city, it’s also a place teeming with history. Paris alone has 130 museums to visit, and these museums house exquisite artwork and sculptures. The Louvre museum, which is another of Paris’ showstoppers, is shaped like a glass pyramid, and it’s home to the famous Mona Lisa. 

To best enjoy Paris, take an organized tour with your family, such as the Privileged Access Eiffel Tower tour by The Tour Guy. This holds in the evening when the skies are lit in Paris’ trademark lights that give it an ambiance of the majesty of Paris. Combine this with a boat cruise, champagne on the hand, and the no-queue privilege of using a superior tour guide, and you’ll have an experience nothing can match. 

4. Istanbul, Turkey

Image by Konevi from Pixabay

There has been a lot of buzz about the world’s biggest airport, and the Istanbul New Airport is certainly one that is worth seeing this year. However, the airport is not the only thing that’s worth checking out in Istanbul. 

If you’ve got a flair for art, then Arter will be of interest to you. Arter houses a collection of exquisite contemporary art – and not just of those made by the Turks but from other countries as well. 

While in Istanbul, make sure you stop by the Turkish baths or hammams, especially the most popular 19th-century Cukurcuma Hamami. 

5. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Image by Alex Gresbek from Pixabay

Malaysia is a regular among tourists, and they’re not wrong about their choice. From gorgeous beaches, enchanting resorts, chic restaurants to historic cities, Malaysia is everything amazing packed in one. 

Kuala Lumpur, in particular, is somewhere you should put on your bucket list. It has a mix of both modern and traditional Malay goodness, and their hip restaurants serve food to die for. That’s not the end of it. Ever heard of the saying “shop ‘til you drop”? They probably had Kuala Lumpur in mind when they said that because it’s one of the best shopping destinations in the world. 

But apart from food and shopping, Kuala Lumpur has cultural performances, festivals, and museums that showcase the Malay culture and history. 

Ready to travel?

I’m sure you can’t wait to pack your bags check out one or even all of these countries. Each of these countries is not only beautiful, but they have enchanting tales hidden within them just for you to explore. 

So which country will you stop by first?

Feature photo by Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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