After settling with the at-fault party’s insurance provider, they usually ask you to sign several documents. These will include a release document that relieves the defendant from future claims related to her accident.
After these documents are signed, the insurance company will send a check to your attorney for the remaining amount. Your attorney will deduct any outstanding liens and legal fees before issuing you the final bill.
Settlement Agreement
When you file a lawsuit, the court will determine who is responsible for paying and how much compensation you should receive. In this case, you will understand how are lawsuit settlements paid out. If your case goes to trial, the jury will decide the same things. However, when you settle your claim with the at-fault party and their insurance provider, both parties can have a hand in how the money is paid out and the settlement conditions.
For example, you can agree to receive the payout as a lump sum or in multiple scheduled payments over time. The latter method allows you to invest some of the money and earn more over time, which can increase your total payout amount. However, if you make money on the investments, you must pay taxes on them.
In addition, you can also include any other terms that you want in the contract. Some states require that you sign a release document with the at-fault party’s insurance provider, which releases them from any future legal action regarding your accident or injury. Your lawyer will review the terms of your settlement agreement to ensure they match your best interests.
Once both sides have agreed on the settlement terms, the presiding judge approves the words and signs off on your case. The lawyers receive the settlement funds and prepare a final closing statement, which they give to their clients.
Release Forms
Your lawyer will compile and give you the required papers once they have settled with the insurance provider for the at-fault party. This includes a release form. This legal document releases the defendant of all future liability for her injury and accident. Once the insurance provider receives your signed release, they are legally obligated to write you a check for the agreed-upon amount. However, they may experience internal issues that delay this process.
Your attorney will help you understand the terms and conditions of the release before you provide your signature. This is important because some words are not in your best interests, such as a clause preventing you from filing a new lawsuit regarding the incident. Your attorney will also review the settlement agreement to ensure it covers all your accident-related damages.
Depending on the terms of your settlement, you may receive the total amount as a lump sum or over time through a structured settlement. Structured settlements involve income-tax-free payments made over an extended period, such as monthly for 20 years. If you need money immediately before the insurance company issues your settlement check, your lawyer can discuss options for pre-settlement funding.

Insurance Company
Once the at-fault party’s insurance provider receives your release forms, they will issue payment on your settlement claim. They will send the check to your lawyer, who will deposit it into a legal trust account.
Some plaintiffs prefer to receive their entire settlement award, known as a lump sum. Others want to see their money grow in value over time, known as a structured settlement. Both options have pros and cons, and a personal injury lawyer can help you determine the best choice for your situation.
It is also essential to understand how your settlement will be taxed. For example, the IRS treats physical damage cases differently from emotional distress cases for tax purposes. The at-fault party’s insurer will typically submit a tax return form for the portion of your settlement award that the IRS considers income.
Your attorney can also assist you with settling your debts with creditors. It is common for debts from medical bills and other case-related expenses to become past due. A skilled personal injury attorney can negotiate with these creditors to reduce the amount you owe them, helping you keep more of your settlement award for other damages.
Settlement Check
Generally, the insurance company is responsible for writing the settlement check. They are legally obligated to do so as soon as they receive your release form, but internal issues can delay this process. The at-fault party’s insurance provider may also include a confidentiality clause as part of your release, which requires you to keep the terms of your settlement confidential. This could be necessary for various reasons, including protecting a defendant’s reputation or ensuring that a high-profile defendant’s actions are not publicly disclosed.
The settlement check can be distributed as a lump sum or an installment plan. A lump-sum settlement provides one payment of the entire agreed-upon compensatory amount. This lets you immediately pay off debts and your attorney, allowing you to invest your money or put it into an interest-bearing account. A structured settlement, on the other hand, distributes your compensation in monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.
Once the settlement check arrives at your attorney’s office, they will deduct applicable case costs and legal fees. Then they will deposit the remaining balance into an escrow account until the bank clears it. Any outstanding liens must be paid off before your attorney can release the funds, which could take longer than if you did not have any liens.
Featured Photo by Mikhail Nilov: